Interview with Saw Nanda on the history of Thirithisar, a family weaving business.
Interview conducted between Khin Lin Nain (Pochi) and Saw Nanda (2023) (translated from the Myanmar language to English by Khin Lin Naing and minor edits by Dr Britta Boyer)
What year was the business established year?
The business was started in 2012 after my father & mother were married, they started a small weaving business, Thirithisar Silk, with 2 looms
What are the founders names?
U Aung Than Oo & Daw San San Myint
Is this a family business?
Yes, me and my sisters are part of the business
How many current employees (weavers) does the business have?
Over 50
Are they female or male?
All employees are women
How many looms do they work with?
We have over 30 looms
Are their looms made by a carpenter?
We bought the old (used) looms from another weaving business that was transitioning to power looms as the quality is much better than new ones
What is the weaving style?
Hand picking using 100 shuttles
How many colours are used in one longyi?
Mainly 2 or 3 colours and sometimes 7 or 8 colours depending on the customer order and pattern requested
What threads are available?
Silk, Rayon, Lotus, Cotton
What products do you weave?
Longyi, shawls, woven fabric
What are the dyeing processes?
Chemical & natural plant dye; we dye ourselves here for special orders and normal production [example product for the local market], we do in the Amarapura
What is the price of a cotton longyi?
Between 20,000 to 10,0000 [approx £7.48 pound sterling at today's rate] depending on the pattern
What is the price of a silk longyi?
The price starts at 5 lakhs [approximately £1000] and can vary depends on the weave pattern
Lotus longyi prices start at 10 lakhs [1,000,000 Myanmar Kyat and is approximately £1000] can increase depends on the weave pattern.
Do you produce traditional robes from lotus silk thread?
We only weave fabric, shawl and longyi's
Are the patterns designed by the family?
Yes, and some are found in old books
Could I take photos of your designs?
Yes, you can, and we have old designs